Equipment Rental Rental Contact Information – (616) 862-3346 Rental Information: Green Turf Equipment offers weekly or monthly rental of Mini Skid Steers and Attachments All equipment rental is prepay only, and renters will adhere to the Rental Agreement Equipment can be delivered within 30 miles of our location for a delivery fee Up to 2 weeks of rental costs can be credited toward machine purchase if customers purchases within 3 days of the end of the rental period. Mini Skid Steer – GT 1000 Machine & Bucket Included$600 Weekly Basic Attachments Pricing$125 Per WeekAttachment Options42″ Pallet ForksTwo Tree Grapple OptionsLarge Bucket (1/3 yard) Other Attachments Pricing $200 a Week Attachment Options Rototiller Brush Hog Soil Conditioner / Power Rake Trencher Three Auger Options (8″, 12″, 18″)